Thursday, March 3, 2016

Superfruit Pineapple

Good day friends!
How are you doing?

Today we’ll gonna talk about fruits.
You’ve probably heard of Superfoods. What about Superfruits?
Not every fruit meets our high standards. Those that qualify as “super” by nutrition scientists are fruits packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you look better and live longer and healthier.
And now here comes another fruit name Pineapple. This time I suppose it’s more familiar with you than of the previous superfruits that I have introduced you.
Spiny on the outside, sweet on the inside, pineapples are one fantastic fruit. Pineapples are members of the bromeliad family, and one of the few bromeliads to produce edible fruit, according to the biology department at Union Country College.
Pineapples’ nutritional benefits are as fascinating as their anatomy.”Pineapples contain high amounts of vitamin C and manganese”, said San Diego-based nutritionist Laura Flores. These tropical treats are also good way to get important dietary fiber and bromelain (an enzyme)
“As well as having high amounts of manganese, which is important for antioxidant defenses, pineapples also contain high amounts of thiamin, a B vitamin that is involved in energy production”. Flores said.
Several people with hypertension used to drink pure extracted pineapple juice. Pineapple really lowers blood pressure.
For more nutritional and medicinal benefits of pineapples, watch out for the up coming topic which is about the “First Vita Plus Products”.  Filipino scientists gathered this information about superfruits and produced different products out of these fruits.
With that, I wanted to share to the public these great experiences especially from those who tried the products and benefited so unbelievably.

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