Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Boost Immune System

Good Day!
How are you doing friends?

Last time, we had tackled about what factors affect our health. These are the reasons why, we have poor immune system, and also the reason why we can easily acquire diseases.
God is really good, He created us accordingly. He really is the source of all wisdom… Once an infant or a baby is born, she or he supposed to be breast feed, up to at least six month of age. Because mother’s breast milk has COLUSTRUM, this helps boost the Immune System of the baby, to give him resistance against diseases. This also helps how to develop the whole system of the body of a growing baby from the tip of his hair down to the tip of his foot fingernails.
Take note, nowadays mothers are so busy, have businesses, work in the office and so on. Instead of feeding their babies from their breast milk, they rather buy Formulated Milk as replacement for feeding. With that they could still able to do their job.
Where these formulated milks made from? Where these originally came from?
Formulated milk is produced by animals, particularly by cows, being processed and now become primary necessity in feeding infants.

There is a great significant comparing the children being breast feed from those who were fed with formulated milk. They are becoming less resistant from diseases. And most of all they’re getting poor in nutrition.
Are there still ways to keep their health even more resistant from illnesses? Is there a way to boost immune system?
According to World Health Organization (WHO) and the Department of Health (DOH) in the Philippines, there are ways to boost our immune system; 1. Must drink water 8-12 glasses a day. 2. Must sleep at least  8-10 hours every day. 3. Do exercise at least 1 hour per day, and most importantly 4. Must eat vegetable at least  5-7 cups everyday.
The question is, can you do these requirements? Are you willing to give your commitments for a healthier immune system in return? If your answer is YES, then we will no longer have any problem. But if your answer is NO, let us talk it over when I write my next topic.
As always, thank you, take good care and may God bless you!

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