Monday, February 29, 2016

Superfruit, Dalandan

Good day friends!
How are doing so far?

Today we’ll gonna talk about fruits.
You’ve probably heard of Superfoods. What about Superfruits?
Not every fruit meets our high standards. Those that qualify as “super” by nutrition scientists are fruits packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you look better and live longer and healthier.
Being a Filipino, our very own superfruits are grown in selected farms from all over the Philippines. Naturally cared for and nurtured lovingly by nature’s best helpers: our local farmers and First Vita Plus topnotch products team.

Superfruits. Bringing out the best in your fruits. And to give you the first fruit, it is no other than DALANDAN. The Dalandan is a local Philippine orange fruit, but its skin or rind color is deep green and does not turn to orange color even when ripe.
The juicy, tangy and sharp but sweet pulps are definitely orange in color though.

This fruit is very rich in vitamins C. It is good for women who are at the first trimester of their pregnancy because according to elders, eating lots of this fruit can provide the baby a healthy and unblemished skin and strong immune system. Its juice is also very good appetite suppressant so it is recommended for weight watchers. It is used to relieve nausea and vomiting.
That is Dalandan, and watch out for more about this fruit.
Next in line from the superfruits will be posted very soon.
Thank you, take care and may God bless you!

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